RESPECTAGE -Resource Center

Kochi, Kerala, is striving to become an Age-Friendly City as part of the WHO Global Network. CEDAC proposes the establishment of a resource center named RespectAge to combat elder abuse and ageism within the city. RespectAge will serve as a one-stop center for older persons, their families, and the public, providing support, information, and guidance.

RespectAge Resource Center has the potential to significantly reduce elder abuse in Kochi by providing a comprehensive support system and fostering a culture of respect for older adults. This project aligns with Kochi's Age-Friendly City goals and contributes to the WHO Global Network's mission of creating livable communities for all ages.

RespectAge aims to address the gap by:

  • Raising awareness about elder abuse and ageism.

  • Providing a safe space for reporting and seeking help.

  • Offering resources and guidance to tackle elder abuse situations

  • Declaration of Zero Tolerance: The Mayor of Kochi issued a declaration establishing zero tolerance for elder abuse and ageism in the city.

  • Helpline and Support Services: RespectAge will operate a helpline for individuals to contact experts for:

    • Clarifying doubts and obtaining information on elder abuse.

    • Consulting on specific situations and receiving guidance.

    • Counseling services.

    • Connecting with legal services through the Legal Services Authority or MWPSC Act 2007 via the RDO.

  • Collaboration with Institutions:

    • Legal Services Authority

    • Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences (IMHANS), Kozhikode

    • Other relevant NGOs

    • Collaboration will involve: Support in field visits, particularly from paralegal volunteers of the Legal Services Authority, Joint research initiatives to combat elder abuse through programs and policy recommendations.

  • Resource Development:

    • Training materials for professionals and caregivers.

    • Advisories and guidelines for various elder abuse scenarios.