
We started as a small interior design firm in downtown Michigan, aiming to help home buyers make do with the new space that they had acquired. It soon became obvious that it would make sense to help our clients see beyond the walls and floor plans and be there with them from the get-go. Currently, we offer house realtor, interior design, and architecture services in order to help our customers find their forever homes as seamlessly and painlessly as possible.

Our mission

Vayosmitham is dedicated to enhancing the oral health and overall well-being of older adults through education, awareness, and preventive care. We strive to provide comprehensive oral health screenings, identify dental issues, and raise awareness about the importance of oral hygiene among older individuals. Our mission is to empower older adults to take control of their oral health and lead a healthy, fulfilling life.

Our vision

Our vision is to create a community where older adults are educated about the importance of oral health and empowered to prioritize their oral hygiene. We envision a future where oral health screenings and awareness camps are accessible to all older individuals, leading to improved oral health outcomes and enhanced quality of life. Through Vayosmitham, we aim to promote a culture of preventive care and proactive oral health management among older adults.


Pre-camp Preparations:

  • Identification of suitable locations for the camps, such as community centers, senior living facilities, or local health centers and Govt. Sayamprabha Homes.

  • Coordination with relevant authorities and community leaders for support and cooperation.

  • Mobilization of resources, including dental equipment, hygiene kits, educational materials, and promotional items.

    Oral Health Screenings:

  • Conducting comprehensive oral health screenings for older persons to assess their dental health.

  • Identification of dental conditions, including cavities, gum diseases, oral mucosal and pre[1]cancerous lesions, need for dentures, denture issues, and other oral health concerns.

  • Referral of complex cases to qualified dentists or specialized dental clinics for further evaluation and treatment. Oral health Awareness Sessions:

  • Organizing interactive sessions to raise awareness about the significance of oral hygiene for older persons.

  • Providing information on age-related dental conditions and the importance of preventive care.

  • Demonstrating proper brushing, flossing techniques, and denture care to promote good oral health practices.

Distribution of Information Material:

  • Distributing informative brochures, pamphlets, and educational materials on oral hygiene. Sharing guidelines for maintaining oral health at home and scheduling regular dental checkups. Follow-up and Referral: Ensuring proper follow-up for individuals with identified dental issues or requiring further treatment. Facilitating referrals to dental clinics or specialists for comprehensive care.

Expected Outcomes:

  • Increased Awareness: Older individuals will have a better understanding of the importance of oral health and its impact on overall well-being.

  • Early Detection and Prevention: Timely screenings will lead to the early detection and prevention of oral health issues, improving overall oral health among older adults.

  • Empowerment: Older persons will be empowered to take proactive measures for their oral health, leading to improved self-care practices.

  • Better oral hygiene also impact their social and mental health outcomes

  • Collaboration: Strengthened collaboration between IDA and MAGICS NGO for future community health initiatives

    The program has been implemented in 9 Districts across the State at 12 different locations on August 1st 2023 on Oral hygiene day. It was clubbed with State CDH Program ‘Vigil”- Screening for Oral Cancer.


  • Improved Oral Health Literacy and health practices.

  • Enhanced preventive care oral measures among older adults.

  • Empowered self care practices and habits leads to positive health


"Our interdisciplinary team is committed to promoting oral health and empowering the elderly to take charge of their dental well-being."The team ensuring their oral health and overall well-being are prioritized.

Dr Deepak J Kalarickal

CDH Chairman

IDA Kerala State

Dr Bindu V Bhaskar

Assistant Professor

Dept of Public health Dentistry Govt.Dental College Kottayam

Dr Arun Rao

Senior Lecturer,

Dept.of Public health dentistry,Annoor Dental college & Hospital, Muvattupuzha

Dr Aswani

Junior Resident

Dept of Public health Dentistry,

Govt Dental College Kottayam

Dr Adarsh K Ramesh

Junior Resident

Dept of Public health Dentistry

Govt Dental College Kottayam

Our Associates

  • Council on Dental Health (CDH) wing of Indian Dental Association (IDA) – Kerala